
Microstructures and hygromechanics of novel molded ligno-cellulosic materials for sustainable, renewable, recyclable and biodegradable packaging

3SR laboratory and L'Oréal Packaging Science Center are looking for a candidate for a 12-month post-doctorate on Microstructures and hygromechanic of novel molded ligno-cellulosic materials for sustainable, renewable, recyclable and biodegradable packaging



Context: The proposed offer is part of a collaborative research project between L'Oréal Packaging Science Center and one academic partner from CNRS and Univ. Grenoble Alpes, i.e., 3SR lab. The recruited person will part of a research team consisting of five senior researchers from L'Oréal and 3SR lab, experts in fields of ligno-cellulosic materials science, packaging, mechanics of materials and 3D imaging.


Location: the postdoc project will be mainly located at 3SR Lab, a solids mechanics research lab of the CNRS and the Univ. Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble, France, https://3sr.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/), with strong interactions with L'Oréal Packaging Science Center (Clichy and Aulnay-sous-Bois, France, https://loreal.com/fr/).


Duration and starting date: 12 months, June/July 2024


Salary: around 2800€/month


Post Doc Position : Microstructures and hygromechanics of novel molded ligno-cellulosic materials
Post Doc Position_2024__L_Oreal.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 574.7 KB

Informations pratiques

Informations pratiques

Type de contrat : CDD

Durée : 1 an

Lieu : laboratoire 3SR, Domaine Universitaire de Saint-Martin-d'Hères, et L'Oréal Packaging Science Center, Clichy et Aulnay-sous-Bois, France

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Laurent Orgeas (3SR)
